Interested in Starting Your Own Swap N Buy?

Can’t find a local Swap N Buy for your own city or town? Why not start your own? Here are some quick tips for starting your own Swap N Buy group:

  1. Start a new Facebook Group and name it “{Your city name} Swap N Buy”. You can create a group by visiting
  2. When choosing a privacy setting for a Swap N Buy group, most groups choose “Closed”. This makes it easier to prevent spam and other abuse of your Swap N Buy group.
  3. Add some rules to your group description. Here is an example set of rules from another Swap N Buy group. Be sure to replace anything in {curly brackets} with you own information:
Everything in this group MUST be for sale IN {Your City Name}!!***READ ALL RULES AND HOW THIS GROUP IS RUN****HOW THIS GROUP WORKS:
To upload a picture: At the top of the screen, under the group name, click on ‘photos’. This will bring you to the albums, select the one that best suits your item. You will then have the option to ‘add photos’ at the top right of your screen. Once your picture has uploaded click on the **EDIT** option to describe your item. If you comment instead of using the edit, your post will be deleted without warning.
(If you are using a phone to add photos: The iphone FB App isn’t good! use the safari app or google app and log in to FB that way. Then select desktop setting on the bottom of the left hand side…then its just like using a computer)Do not give your contact information until somebody is ready to buy. To make it safer (if you don’t know the person), you can plan a meeting place in {Your City Name} instead of giving out your address. It’s up to you! Buy and sell safely!
If you are looking for an item, put it in the ‘looking for’ album and maybe somebody will have what you need, and just didn’t post it.
Your ad will only be there for 21 DAYS. If you sell it, PLEASE DELETE your ad, and if you don’t it will be deleted after 21 DAYS (at which time you are welcome to repost).RULES:1. NO offensive material is to be sold on this site. If I find that it is in poor taste, it will be deleted without notice!!2. Put everything in the PROPER place or it will be deleted! DO NOT create your own album, add your photos to an existing album. If you create an album it will be deleted without warning. This helps keep things organized. Please DO NOT post on the wall, your pictures will be deleted without warning. (for buyers, if you comment on someones ad who has posted to the wall, we suggest you PM them, as thier ads will be deleted regardless of comments)3.DO NOT TOP POST!! (Your ads may stay up for the 21 days, then you are welcome to repost) IF YOU TOP-POST, YOUR AD WILL BE DELETED WITHOUT NOTICE and you will have to wait 21 days to repost.

4. Be respectful of everyone in this group. Please allow the first person who comments ‘first refusal’. If arrangements for pick up have not been made within 24 hours move to the next in line. If you would like to sell on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, add that to your description on ALL of your photos.

5. Be clear in your post, and remember you’re more likely to sell something if you post a photo of it. DO NOT try to sell your items on someone elses picture, post one of your own to sell it.

6. NO harrassment towards members of the group will be tolerated! You will be removed from the group!

7. If you are advertising a business, only use up ONE photo space to advertise. Multiple ads will be deleted!!!

8. DO NOT sell recalled items or cribs, car seats etc that are out of date. Here is a link with info for buyers and sellers on what to look for:…

9. You may sell items for people that are not on the group, but you must have yourself as the main contact person, and you CANNOT advertise a business for another person.

10. USING THE CREATE EVENT FUNCTION AND INVITING OTHER MEMBERS TO YOUR EVENTS IS CONSIDERED SPAM AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Because I am unable to disable the events function, I am trusting that people will not use it. Members found doing this will be deleted.

**The admins. of this group are NOT responsible for any of the dealings in this group. Please note: {Your City Name} SWAP N’ BUY and the administrators of this group are not responsible for ANY product sold on this site. All buyers/sellers must educate themselves on any product bought or sold, any injury or illness caused to members from items purchased on this site are not the responsibility of the administrators or the site itself.*

  1. Invite people to your group, and encourage other people to send out invites as well. Put a few of your own things up for sale so people aren’t coming to a blank group.
  2. Add your Swap N Buy to the directory on the homepage.
  3. Be sure to check your group from time to time to make sure people are following the rules and to delete any spam!